In Michigan, employees may request a copy of their personnel file under the Bullard-Plawecki Right to Know Act (.pdf).
Employers should keep the following records:
- Notes on hiring decisions
- Time sheets
- Time off
- Conduct violations/Write ups
- Complaints made by employees
- Complaints made against employees
- Action taken by the company in response to complaints, and
- Terms and reasons for an employee’s separation.
Review a recent successful Misconduct Decision (.pdf) where we represented a claimant before an Administrative Law Judge and the legal analysis involved in such claims.
Applicants must:
- Read the brochure from UIA thoroughly.
- Register with Michigan Works!
- Call Marvin every time you are required.
- If denied benefits wrongly, you must appeal ON TIME.
- Answer all questions honestly and quickly.
Applicants can be denied for a variety of reasons, including:
- Not earning enough base wages
- Voluntarily quitting verses Constructive Termination (.pdf)
- Turning down Suitable Work (.pdf) with the former employer
- Termination for misconduct, etc.
- Severance Agreements (sometimes)
Call (248) 643-9530 during business hours or email